Student loan debt in America is more than our credit card debt and it's the only debt that will not and cannot be forgiven in bankruptcy. Think about that for a second. The system says it wants to help you and is set up to keep you in debt for your entire life.
We learned from an early age that the right thing to do is go to college, get an education and hope that you can land a decent job so you can pay your student loan in your monthly bills, and then you trade the best years of your life in exchange for the promise that you'll have enough time and money to enjoy yourself and actually live your life when you're older. The problem with that for most people is that those golden years never come. People get to retirement and they realized that they don't have enough money to last them for the rest of their life despite sacrificing the best working years for a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that was never there in the first place.
Research statistics show that a large percentage of our retirees only have $3,000 to $12,000 dollars to their name. And the majority of people in America don't even have a thousand dollars inside their bank account, which is why more and more students are dropping out of college. They're following in the footsteps of people like, like Mark Zuckerberg, who dropped out of Harvard to focus on Facebook full time. Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey who left Tennessee State University to pursue a career in broadcast media. And then, Michael Dell who started Dell computers from his University of Texas dorm room and dropped out to focus full time on that business. What about Steve Jobs, ever heard of him? The founder of Apple, he dropped out of Reed College after a semester and then he went on to build one of the most successful companies of all time.
The graduation rate today for our first time full time students who are seeking only a two year degree is roughly 29 percent. That's crazy. But why are all of these people dropping out? That's the question that we should be asking ourselves. Why? What's really going on in the marketplace? Is the opportunity really that big? Is there really enough of the pie for everybody?
These millions and billions of dollars that we hear about being made, how does that actually translate into the actual statistics of people taking action on the Internet? Well, consider these mind boggling statistics for a second: in 2017, every single minute over 3.5 million people search for something on Google. Every minute, over 900,000 people just log in to Facebook. Over 4.1 million videos are watched on YouTube alone. Over 350,000 messages are sent on Twitter. Over a 150 million emails are sent and over 40,000 hours of music is listened to on Spotify.
What about Netflix? Over 70,000 hours of video are watched per hour. And last but not least, over $2.5 MILLION DOLLARS is spent on the Internet… and it's all happening every single minute.
So with all this opportunity, with our entire global economy transitioning to the Internet and more and more businesses struggling to stay afloat or shutting down all together, you have companies like Amazon who are selling, more products and services online than all of the major retailers combined. They're soaring. They're growing faster than any other company in the world right now.
So why is it that people are failing when they try to start a business online? Why is it that good hearted, well intentioned people are failing when they can start a business from home with no overhead, with little to no startup costs for the fraction of the price that it would cost to, you know, start a franchise or a traditional business.
In this video I want to explain the exact reason I believe people are failing to start a business online. It’s extremely simple… but you may be shocked by the answer.