See How I Run My Online
Business WITHOUT Running Ads
Or Making Endless TikTok Videos
Trying To Go Viral.

Working less than 2 hours per WEEK…

Living The Life with my family

I don’t believe in the 9-5… the 40 hour work week… or the “rise and grind”


If you do… you’re probably on your way to clicking off my website.

But if you want to see another way… keep reading.

Because I think you should be able to work when you want… because you want to.  I think you should be able to do what you want to… because you can.  And time and money shouldn’t be a factor in the decision.

In 2016 we decided we were going to live where people vacation and live on our own terms.  And that required some out of the box thinking (and a few pissed off family members).  But here we are today living on our own terms.

No alarm clocks! No schedule! No rules!  Click the FIND OUT HOW button and learn how to build your own business like I have.

David Sharpe Testimonial

"Jeff is both a talented marketing strategist and has high integrity. For that, I highly recommend working with him. He's brought great content, advise and energy to our company."

- David Sharpe
Legendary Marketer

Shawn _The Logger_ Lowry Testimonial

"You the man Jeff Uhrmacher them video tutorials you be putting out really simplifies the online marketing process. I have learned a great deal just by following your content and emails thanks again for the consistent value"

- Shawn Lowry "The Logger"

Kristofer Milhauser Testimonial

"The info in these tutorials is pure gold! Easy to understand and a wealth of knowledge. If you want to learn anything about the online world, Dr. Jeff is your teacher"

- Kristofer Milhauser 
Milhauser Social Media Marketing

Is Now A Good Time To Start An Online Business?

Survey's show that most American's don't even have $1,000 in their bank account.

The National Institute on Retirement Security reports that most people getting ready to retire only have $3,000 to $12,000 to their name.

2020 showed us just how accurate this is.  And it's also shown us that very few are immune to "what can happen."  It used to be that if you are self employed you could work on your terms.  The number of brick and mortar businesses that had to close due to restrictions proved to be a new hurdle.  When you've done everything right and the government still tells you that you can't work???

The new poor are the people working on others terms.  The people that are trading time for money. The people that are dependent on the doors to a building opening every day.  The people that don't have a business online working 24/7 FOR THEM!

What’s really going on in the market? Is the opportunity really that big? Is there really enough for everybody? These millions and billions of dollars we hear about being made -- how does that actually translate into the actual statistics of people taking action on the Internet?

Well, consider these mind boggling statistics for a second.

In 2023: Every single minute…

Videos downloaded

Over 5.9 Million Google Searches.

Over 2.1 People active on Facebook.

Over 44 Million People viewing Facebook live streams.

Over 16.2 Million texts sent.

Over 3.67 Million videos are watched on YouTube.

Over 174,000 Apps download.

Over 66,000 Photos & videos shared on Instagram

Over 575,000 Tweets sent.

Over 4,000 People reading Yelp reviews.

Over 167 Million videos watched on Tiktok.

Over 231 Million e-mails are sent.

Over 46,000 Searches on Pinterest.

Over 20,800 Active users on LinkedIn

Over 12,500 Ride-shares taken.

Over 2 Million Snapchats sent.

Over 694 M Songs streamed in the U.S.

Over 452,000 Hours of content streamed on Netflix.

...and last but not least, over 6 MILLION people shopping online.

This is all happening every … single … MINUTE!

Will you be left out?  Click the button to find out how to get started.