Today I'm going to demonstrate and really make it crystal clear as to why you need a back end to generate profits as well as the secret of the break even funnel. The secret of the break even funnel is a powerful strategy that is going to allow you to get customers for free… for life. AND how you can make your first $100,000 online.
I want to start by telling you about a guy who's really one of the smartest and most successful marketers in the game right now. His name is Russell Brunson. Now, Russell has been marketing for 15 to 20 years and actually got his start by selling potato guns out of his dorm room in college. He's gone on to grow and scale his online business to the point to where it brings in nearly a hundred million dollars per year. Which is even more impressive when you think about the fact that this guy started from scratch selling potato guns, right?
I'm actually going to quote him here because I think he did a great job of explaining what a break even funnel really is. I also want you to see that this just isn't some trick that I came up with are made up on my own… I don't believe in reinventing the wheel, right? This is a concept that most every single millionaire online marketer uses and believes in like religion.
So here's the quote from Russell: “I need to set something straight. When you create your first funnel, the goal cannot be and should not be, to make money. That goal is what keeps most entrepreneurs from actually making money online. They stress out so much about if it's going to make them money, that they either make bad decisions or they never launched the darn thing in the first place. Putting so much pressure on making it right usually keeps them from ever going live. When I have a funnel that can break even on cold traffic, not just traffic to my existing list than I know that I have the tool that I need to grow that company. The reason if I can get a funnel to break even or I can spend a dollar and make a dollar, that means that I got a customer for free and that is the big secret.”
Now, as you look at the image with this blog post, which is one that Russell actually created himself, you can clearly see what he meant by the break even funnel. Over on the far left, you can see that you have traffic that you do control… and traffic that you don't control, OK? The traffic that you don't control is going to come from things that you do, like your SEO efforts, your blog content, your articles, your YouTube videos, etc. You're going to generate traffic from those sources essentially organically based on people doing searches on things like Google and YouTube.

On the other hand, traffic that you do control is going to come from Facebook pay per click traffic or any other paid advertising that you're using to pay for a specific result. You're paying for X amount of clicks and X amount of conversions, X amount of leads, X amount of sales, etc. That traffic is going to be directed into your break even funnel which consist of your landing page with your front end low ticket offer, with maybe an up sell or two, of course check out pages.
That's the break even funnel on the back end, which is where your profits are going to come from. You're going to have your continuity programs, things with recurring subscription fees that are going to keep coming in month after month. These are the things that are really going to generate a lot of profit for you along with any other high ticket offers that you make to that lead as well. Because as soon as that person opts into your email list, they're now a subscriber on your email list, which is your biggest asset as an online marketer. Having your own list allows you to keep selling products and services to people over and over again for months and years to come.
The mistake that most people make is they try to make all of their money on the first initial sale. When really the key is to have that initial sale just break even on your advertising costs. That way you know for a fact that you're able to generate more and more customers for free, and then on the back end you can focus on maximizing your profits through the ways that are listed on the graph.
That's where you're going to make your first hundred thousand dollars or your first $200,000 or you first half a million or your first $1,000,000 online.