Are you worried that you don’t have a huge success story? You know… a reason for someone to listen to you and join you in your online marketing company.
In this blog post I want to talk about the attraction code. And I realize that sounds kind of secretive and mysterious, but it’s really not. It’s simply about how to attract prospects to you even if nobody has ever heard of you.
One of the biggest problems and challenges that new online marketers have when they get started is feeling confident enough to share their business with others. And people will often use the excuse that they don’t “have a story” to tell about the business opportunity. They feel like they’ve never been successful so how can they share their story with others.
So here’s how a tip on how you can be more attractive to others so they will want to join you in your company. Something so you can work your way into the ranks of top recruiter and top earner.
When most people first get started in their online marketing business they are very much focused inward instead of outward. You are focused on yourself instead of focusing on others. You are focused on your own lack of success or even previous failures.
And I can completely understand because a lot of prospects will ask you how much you’ve made. When you first get started that’s pretty damn scary. And if you’re just getting started you have a few options.
#1… you lie through your teeth… tell them you’ve made money… and make up an arbitrary number that is big but believable. That’s the “fake it til you make it” method. I don’t recommend this option. If you can’t stay ethical in your business from the beginning you probably won’t stay ethical when you start making money.
#2… you can stammer over your words and tell them that you just got started and haven’t really made any money. This is an honest response that usually leads to your prospects NOT wanting to join you. Why would they right?
AND… what about the last option… and the best option… and one you can use with this program.
#3… Oh my gosh… I actually just got started with this not to long ago and it’s going great. My mentor has done over $170 million dollars online and he’s letting me use ALL of his marketing materials. I get to use his landing pages and sales pages. He rights all the emails for me to send to my prospects. I use his merchant account. I get to use all of his sales coaches to close all of my sales. And he even writes blog posts for me.
NOW THAT is what I call a great response to… “how much money have you made?”
And you can use it and everything else I told you about as well. Check it our here so you can have a better response to the “money” question. And next thing you know you’ll be making money with all the other members in my group as well.