The Internet has changed everything. It's become the backbone of our worldwide economy. It's also the future of our economy because pretty soon no business will be able to survive without being online. Look, back in the day, the poor used to be the illiterate people who couldn't read and write, and oftentimes if you want it to oppress people, you would oppress them by keeping them from reading and prevent them from gaining knowledge. Now, although that can still be true, knowledge can still translate into power and wealth because the more you know, the more you can grow. Not only personally, but also financially. But here's the thing, the new poor will be the people that are computer and online illiterate.
Let me say that again because it's really that important. The new poor will be the computer and online illiterate. So I want you to think about two to five years from now. Think about just today, the people who don't understand social media who don't understand that businesses need to have an online presence. People who simply don't understand how the Internet really works. These people, they're not getting hired there.
The people who are getting fired, unfortunately they're the people who are not able to get jobs because without tech skills and an understanding of the Internet, you've got little to no value to offer to the marketplace. You need to be up on what's going on with social media or you're going to get left behind. No business in the future is going to survive without an online presence. Nobody, even plumbers, contractors, painters, chiropractors and people who have regular brick and mortar businesses are going to fail if they're not taking part in the conversation that's happening online.
And that's because nowadays people Google everything. They use Google to find out who they should do business with. They read online reviews, they make a decision based on social proof. Then they browse social media and watch videos and see ads and they click.. and then BOOM, they're suddenly on somebody's website getting out their credit card, making a purchase all from the comfort of their own home.
All of that happens online. But the beautiful thing about starting an internet marketing business is, there's no degree required. You don't have to have any credentials, no experience is needed. The playing field has really been leveled. The Internet has almost disrupted every single industry in everybody's ability to be able to work within that industry because nowadays you don't need to go to a classroom to become an expert on something. You can acquire all of the knowledge and the expertise that you need to become successful right from home.
That's why so many of the best programmers, for example, they started out as kids playing around right on their computers. You know, right after they got out of school, they learned everything that they knew from the Internet, not from the classroom. The Internet has leveled the playing field for everybody, particularly financially.
Gone are the days where your only option was the great scam of being sold a 40,000 to 100,000 dollar college degree before you even had a clue what you wanted out of your career and before your brain was even fully developed to be able to make that kind of important decision. Look, nearly a decade of university education and internship may be necessary for a doctor who's going to be operating on people's bodies or their brains, but that's not what most people want to do. Then everybody needs to go to college, scam as being exposed.