
Okay so I wanted to dive right in kind of a weird title today but the the title is a message from the 26th President of the United States. And I have a little have a little quote I'm going to share that that's become really personal to me and close to me over the years and but I'd like to if it's okay with you sure just a little little backstory about me to sort of practice what I preach here. So when I first got started in the online space for these you don't know me my name is Matt I'm here in Phoenix Arizona grew up in the Midwest group in South Dakota and in town about 400 people. And when I first got started in the online space doing some internet marketing online and everything. When I first got started about a decade ago. I had so many self-worth issues and shame issues around. Am I good enough am I enough will I be enough. And that stand obviously well not obviously that seemed from a lot of past crap growing up right it wasn't really my issue it became my issue but it was people projecting their issues on to me as I grew up. And I learned that you know what I'm probably not enough right. As some people learn that they're not lovable that they're not good enough that they're insufficient right that they could never be loved right. A lot of people sadly learn that growing up and so when I first got started in this online thing. And I see this a lot so this is gonna be very relevant to - I think many of you but when I first got started online. I struggle doing the things that I knew I should be doing. So anybody does anybody have that struggle I'm curious I mean I'm actually curious I'm not just trying to lead you into something but um like when you when you know the things you've been told the things you're supposed to do whether that's an online business whether that's a brick-and-mortar business. Whether, it's whatever your personal finances you know what you should be doing but you're not doing right. You wake up and you're not doing them for some reason is anybody there just just type to me yes or give me some feedback in the comments. Is anybody in that spot or anybody felt that before am I the only one? Lisa, Williams CJ thanks guys you've been there. All right it's the kind of thing where you watch this thing on you watch this thing on YouTube ads or on Facebook guys and you're like oh my gosh I should do this. And then you don't do it. You get what I mean so there's this kind of cyclical thing all right so Jonathan spent 45 years there there's a cyclical thing where you should be should should should should should lie you ever ask yourself why? Why what's the bigger deeper reason behind that most people just say I'm just a procrastinator right. I'm just lazy right I don't believe personally I believe in the concept of procrastination and laziness but I don't think that that's if we're if we're talking about the layers of an onion I think procrastination and laziness on the outside of that right. You just haven't dug deep enough and for me in my journey um that was that was caused by the belief that I wasn't good enough right. And I think so so I'm gonna I'm gonna share just a little bit of my journey through shame and it's gonna include a really powerful quote from Teddy Roosevelt. But in my journey there was kind of two moments or two big like if you're taking notes today and any of this resonates there was kind of two big moments for me. The first moment was realizing and opening up to the idea that I didn't believe I was good enough. I didn't believe that I was good enough right and the words there was never good...


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