
These two words now this is a little bit interesting how I'm gonna frame this training essentially but these two words could change everything for you and I think they will if you let them okay. If you let them I think these two words could completely change everything for you. Not just in business now this is focused more towards business but also in life and I think that this will be really transformational for you if you let it. So before I even get into this whole thing what I'd like you to do is just to yourself or if you have if you have pen and paper if you have something to write this down here's so here's what I want you to write down to frame this little 30 minute deal will do and by the way after this we can do a little Q&A as well. But in order to frame this for you guys what I want you to do is I want you to write this down. I give myself permission and if you're just listening say it out loud if you're in a car full of people well say it out loud anyway but I give myself permission, I give myself permission, I give myself permission to transform I give myself permission to transform. From old from old habits of anxiety I give myself permission to transform from old habits of anxiety and stress. To new habits of success okay to new habits of success I give myself permission to transform from old habits of anxiety and stress to success okay. And here's what I mean by that and and you'll figure it out as we go through why this is important but just give yourself that kind of permission internally right. Allow yourself to say you know what I deserve this I deserve this okay I really do. And maybe even for some of you more than more than I deserve it maybe the people around you deserve it maybe your kids deserve it too maybe your spouse your boyfriend/girlfriend partner whatever. The people around you that you love maybe they deserve it too okay all right. Good to see all you guys on here thank you for the likes and everything I'm a look I'm pumped about this this was a training that I went through probably five or six years ago. And it just changed everything for me it changed everything for me internally and and this is a little bit my take on it but the moment that I went through this training it shocked me the the shockwaves at which it resonated with me okay. It just it resonated so deeply and and so let's dive right in first thing that I want to do is I want to draw a little um I want to draw a little comparison and I'm gonna draw on my screen right now. So I'm gonna I'm just gonna pull I'm gonna do a little drawing on my screen those of you who are only audio this is okay because I'll describe what I'm drawing and I'll make it pretty clear for you okay. But um let me let me move some things around here my desk and I'm gonna draw my screen for you really quick what I mean okay so in sort of and because most people here are generally speaking in the online business space so whether you're doing e-commerce whether you're doing coaching consulting. Most people here are kind of in that space okay. So I'm gonna take it from that space now here's the interesting thing let's take let's take affiliate marketing um just as an example okay. So follow along with me on the screen here for just a second okay now let's just take for instance affiliate marketing because it's a great example of contrasting right. So if we have the the same offer okay same offer same links like like people who are pros who are pulling in money right and have a list and can monetize it.


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