
All right we are coming to you live from legendary studios here in Florida. Down here for the brand builder workshop and we're rockin and rollin so hopefully you can hear me. And I know we are live alright. Cool so type to me in the comments real quick if you can hear me okay just let me know that the audio is coming through okay and yeah we're gonna rock this thing. Alright beautiful I got some people here in the zoom I got some people here. Hey sorry for the delay I so there's this little thing that happens with my computer from time to time where the the shift button it's a weird thing on Macs so anyway I was using my computer fine all day yesterday woke up this morning ready to go get to the office I'm here in the legendary marketer offices today as opposed to back in Phoenix. And I can't log into my computer. So there's a little trick and thing I had to do and anyway. So we made it we got here and I'm just pumped that you made it here and I'm excited to get this thing rock in this place. So we're gonna be talking about something I think is is super crucial and really really important when it comes to starting any sort of business but especially an online business. If you're doing it by yourself and you're kind of the only entrepreneur. So what I want to do today is I'm going to talk about something called our freedom number. If you guys have heard me talk about freedom number let me know just let me know in the in the comments if you've heard me talk about that otherwise just say no. If you've never heard me talk about this before. Good to see on your Jacob, Matias, Herbie uh who else we got in here Mike. Cheryl, Minnie, Well always good to see you on here. Roger, about time all right beautiful good good good to see you guys it's awesome. All right so we're going to talk about something called our freedom number and I'm excited to share this with you because this is such a crucial thing it changed the way I think about. I first heard this man spend years now but the first time that I heard about that it just changed everything for me because okay yeah so the freedom number meaning what's kind of the number you have to be hitting in order to hit kind of you know to have your life covered where you don't have to well you don't have to work another day what do they call it we're can work a job another day in your life or something like that. That's typically how people put that. Cool so let me pull up with a couple things type to me in the comments where you're calling in from and we're gonna jump in right away I have a couple things on my screen that still are looking a little funky but we are just we're just gonna rock and roll I just do this thing okay. So regardless and let me okay where do we got people from DC we got Portland awesome and I want you guys to have pen and paper in hand ready to go for this. Because this is gonna be I think this will be cool we got Mississippi, Jacob beautiful keep them coming people come or you guys from North Carolina, Irene's not heard about the freedom number before so we will get there. By the way this weekend we're doing something called the brand builder workshop here at legendary studios we are going to be shooting video we're going to be doing head shots we're gonna be doing all sorts of stuff for a few clients down here. So that's a very cool thing if you want more info on that you can contact me you can fly down here to St. Pete's work few minutes from the beach got parks around and yeah it's gonna be awesome. So excited for it this weekend it's gonna be good. All right it's beautiful beautiful we're at Bay Area, Japan, Canada, Cinci, Shan beautiful the Philippines. All the way from the Philippines that's right all right cool hey Stefan knows his number okay cool, perfect. All right beautiful all right let me get just a few things on my screen now. Couple things I want you to start this exercise by well some of you are driving so if you're driving to work right now don't don't write don't pull out a piece of paper and start writing.


legendary marketer, make money from home, make money online, online marketing, passive income, residual income, sales funnels

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