
For those of you who are here welcome in. My name is Matt. For people who are so joining tuning in this is free coaching Friday this is part of our daily morning kind of power up call. Fernando first time welcome in my man. Tarik is in Dubai all right cool Aaron's from Wheeling very cool. So this is part of our Monday powerup and I want to give you guys a little bit of have a little exercise we're going to try out today and I'm just curious if you're gonna love it if you're gonna hate it or if it will be impactful for you this is an exercise that for me is really important. And the idea behind it is something called future pacing. Okay so these calls that happen they happen every day in the morning on our Facebook page. If you're here for the first time here's kind of what I would like especially on the Fridays because I specifically do it on Fridays and and here's one thing that I would like from you is grab a pen and paper okay. Grab a pen and paper have something to take notes and actually pull something from this okay. If you're here I want you to walk away from this with with actual things that you can start implementing and changing in your life starting this very moment this very second okay. Sound good? Okay so hit the like button or the love the heart whatever or something if if you're like yep I got something I got my pen and paper ready to rock let's go. It's just so I can see that on my end and know that you know you're here you're prepared you're ready to rock and roll and then we'll get going here in just a second. And that will just let me know that you're ready to rock and roll you're ready to rocket fire and it's game time. I love it so let me see those let me see those pop out all right we got a couple there they come there they come all right nice. Beautiful who do we got Mike, Sammy, Shelly, Fred, JP, Moises, Tariq, Emma, Fernando, David, Jacob, Mary, Rakesh, Chad all right nice rock and roll guys. All right and they're coming okay. So here we go I want to propose this to you let's get this thing moving and then we can do a little Q&A here at the end too if you want. But we're gonna rock and roll okay. So I want to propose something to you today that no matter where you're at I'd like rock and roll is do it all. Right so no matter where you're at whether you're let's say you're earning five figures a year let's say you're earning six figures a year maybe seven figures a year I don't know if we have seven figures or figures on here okay. Maybe you're unemployed maybe you're on disability I don't know where you're at but I want to propose to you and tell me if you agree or not you can tell me in the comments if you agree with this or not. You can say agree or disagree but my proposal to you is that you need to fundamentally do something radically different in order to change your current circumstances okay. Now let's say me for instance three years ago I was working in a in a Coffee Roasting Company where I would lift a hundred and fifty pound coffee bags myself just so you know I weigh a hundred and forty pounds okay. So I'm not a big dude right and I used to lift these heavy bags and I got to the point where I had to acknowledge this was I'm making $40,000 a year personally and I am under the most physical strain I had to I had to get massages, chiropractic adjustments and I realized I have to do something radically different. Not a small I dabbled in online business for a long time I couldn't dabble anymore. Dabbling wasn't going to get me there do you guys agree with this do you disagree type to me in the comments but the gist of it is is that I got to the point where it was like I have a radical shift that I have to make starting right now. Or this is just not going to change right. I only have so much time for some of you, you know I'm 29 for some of you it's a lot less time.


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