
Alright guys so the topic today I'm gonna unpack for you a couple of misconceptions that people have when they first get started online. And for me when they when they get started in any industry where they're drop shipping whether they're on Amazon eBay or whether they're on. You name it doesn't really matter there's always these misconceptions and I want to unpack it because you'll notice in the title even of the email. And it hey by the way if you're here type to me in the comments box where you're calling in from I love to see where people are tuning in from. I saw Paul and Abigail good morning happy, yeah I saw Paul and Abigail are from Madison and Evelyn hey Fam good to see ya. So just let me know in the comments where you're where you're calling it from. So when people get started it doesn't really matter what industry or what they're getting started in. Generally what happens is there's this long list of kind of it's... not excuses necessarily David good to see it from Tucson Mississippi Maryland beautiful. It's not necessarily excuses but it's it's misconceptions that they choose to believe and it causes them to either quit or give up or whatever or just not take the action that they actually need to take to get results. I know that lingo is it's very vague but okay so a piece of text just Chad hey good to see on here man from Ohio good. And Murray there's always, before you even tell me where you're from I already know South Africa I think? Sue's from Alabama Roger always good to see on these things Lisa always good to see you on these as well. So a couple things now you'll notice and I'm gonna pull this up actually on my app I'm gonna pull this open on my app so you can so I can reread what I would I wrote here. So I said some affiliate marketers need to create income with ease while others painfully struggle for each lead and sale. What's the real difference that separates these people right you have this group of people who from your perspective and for all intensive purposes it just looks like how do they do it. Okay how do they do this is such easy so what's the real difference what separates the people right. Why can some people take an offer and make millions while others make pennies. Here's what I mean by this right, on one hand you have people you have the exact same offer so let's just take for instance like let's just take like a like a health and wellness company or something right like like Melaleuca products or Herbalife that's a big one everybody knows okay. So you have Herbalife and you have you have one person here who's making tens of millions of dollars who's at top prefer and then over here you have a whole host of other people who are just struggling to get by who are literally every single sale is just another just grasping for straws kind of thing. How does that happen? With the exact same marketing the exact same product the exact same websites the exact same pages how does that happen? Are you with me so far, Type a yes if you're with me so far if you're like well I'm a same thing with legendaries even legendary our affiliate offer same thing. We got buddy from Connecticut, South Africa beautiful we got dating. How does that happen type to me yes if you're like I understand that there's something weird happening there. Sammy's got it, David's got it, beautiful and Murray's got it, isn't it weird? Terry's been there, Lisa yes, isn't that bizarre?I just find that so bizarre. Roger, Sue, Graham and I want to take you back to Sande yes okay Maria yes. Dawn yes, I want to take you back to when I got started because one thing for me. This is less actually about you today than it is about me and my journey okay. So but I want you to put yourself in my shoes. Aston's and yes Paul good to see you my man on here. But you I'm gonna bring you into my world when I was first getting started online okay. Because I think this is gonna be really helpful for you but what I need from you is I need you to apply this to you okay...


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