
Today we're going to talk about how most people think that. So for instance if you imagine you have this storage closet or you have an attic or you have a basement that's kind of messy and unkept and whatever else. Most people think in their head you know what someday I'm gonna get to that. Someday I'm gonna get to that after I make my first $10,000 online I'm gonna try to debunk that myth for you today okay. So we're gonna try to completely debunk that myth and and I'll explain that here in in just a little bit. So where do we got people from today where are people at today we have Denver Fort Dodge all right nice so I have a sister who lives kind of in that area Boone North Carolina the woodlands in Texas, Greensboro Louisiana, Boston, good to see Rob Glen beautiful from Michigan hope you're staying warm. I mean I got my radio my truck I love that I had a good client of mine a while back who used a truck driver and he would tune in all the time. And also can you guys hit the little like on this if you can hear me okay I want to know my audios coming in because I've been testing out different microphone setups just hit the like and I want to just see a bunch of thumbs up if you guys can hear the audio is loud enough and if it's not you can just comment and say hey it's not enough. And then we got Paul from Wisconsin always good to see you on here Paul. Zambia Wichita beautiful Allentown Connecticut okay thanks for the likes on that just lets me know that you can hear me okay. So that's great, alright guys so the concept of what I want to talk to you about today I think is going to be an exciting one I think it's is gonna be. I think this exercise for me personally and I'll tell a little bit of my story around it was a complete paradigm shift that changed everything for me and I want you to pay close attention to it today. So when I first got started online I would say to myself you know what once I start making $10,000 a month online that's when I'm gonna start getting massages right. Once I make $10,000 online I'll start going to the gym, once I make $10,000 online I'll clean up our attic okay. And and here's what I want to propose to you okay. Here's the premise and if you guys agree or disagree you can comment to me in the in the Facebook comments because I'm curious I'm curious to see if you guys agree or disagree okay. But the concept and kind of the principle behind what I'm gonna what I'm gonna propose to you is that these sorts of unfinished tasks or these sorts of horrid things or these delayed to Do's. Literally disempower us to the point where it will literally bleed into every facet of life okay. So these these things that are hampering us or constantly on our mind they cause our anxiety levels to increase right our businesses they feel trapped they feel constrained or confused or frustrated anybody frustrated a little bit with where they're at or or maybe with the confusion that they have around their business anybody out there just shoot a comment say yep or say yeah I've been there maybe you're not there today but maybe you've been there right. Okay so for those of you just joining the concept here is that these little things like for me it's like our kitchen cabinets right now are a little bit dirty right. Our fridge has like you know the water streaks down on it or whatever. There's little things that cause these hang-ups and what happens is okay Colton's been there Roger yep. These little things they are not life-giving to us they're disempowering right. Like my clothes closet is just a disaster I have a shed outside that's just a disastrous disorganize that tools everywhere right. Carmelita's been there Tony, Gloria the thing is guys is that these things act as almost sort of a got the t-shirt for that one. These things act as sort of a cancer they act almost like little tumors inside of our bodies we hoard these things inside of our bodies so these things are stored up inside of us as people write their life-sucking.


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