
All right good morning everybody and welcome to wake up legendary this is Jackie. This is free coaching Friday welcome. I decided to stand up today because this is a stand-up kind of day. So alright awesome I'm getting audio is good so let's go ahead and get started. So what I want to talk about today is I want to talk about how one little thing that you can do to change the outcome of your goals okay so let's talk about a couple of things first. So when you everyone has a target or something that they're after okay whether it be a business, relationship, personal growth, whatever it is you all have a single target that you're after okay. And to get that read to get that target to hit that goal you have to have specific action to get there right. And what I want to talk about today is how to change say you're in... So this was this was a Harvard study that was done off of actually Tony Robbins. So Tony Robbins did this study or he's I guess been doing it forever. How one change in your body language can change the outcome of whatever result you want. So say let's do an interactive thing okay. So everybody on Facebook go ahead and let me know what you think how a depressed person or someone who's sad there's someone who is always thinking they're going to fail what do you think that that looks like to you. Tell me you know what their head looks like how they talk. Tell me all of those things in the comments I want to kind of have this would be a bit of an interactive thing this morning. Good morning good morning Jane Tony good morning Jodi what up. Anna Marie alright. So go ahead and like I said drop a comment below and let me know you know what that looks like to you what that what you can perceive that to be okay. slouched drop head right. Poor posture absolutely. So when you have that sort of sad face Paul says a sad face when you have that sort of you know kind of cloud Stover's kind of sad not really have a lot of confidence you know all of those things you're just kind of hanging out there you know. And this is the reaction you know eye contact absolutely Jane you know your that's the reality the end result of your current emotional state. Okay so us as humans we kind of really we can do something that's amazing. And the thing that that we can do is we can change that. But unfortunately not a lot of people really understand how big of an impact rolling back your shoulders sticking your chest out a little bit you know kind of looking up.They don't really understand how bad that is. And let me just tell you a quick little story before I go on you know oh this is kind of ties into it. So last week you know I was on the wake of call always Emily or last Wednesday so sorry so two days ago. So I had shared on that on that wake-up call that last week I wasn't really there something off right. I have I got a lot going on personally and you know I just I couldn't get my I couldn't get my self together for lack of a better term right. And I tried everything I did all my thing and then I realized I looked at myself in the mirror and I think it was Saturday night. Maybe its Sunday or something and I realized that I was kind of like like this just kind of hanging out just going through it and I was like of course. No wonder why you can't get your together because you're all slouched out all sad all like what's the matter with my week. And I'm like this is not you get it together. So then what I did is I just this is what this will be exciting part that I did okay. So when any depressed person or a sad person or a fearful person when that person is in this state they're going to go to a certain result because of their actions right. When you're in this sad you know fearful state you don't take action you are scared you double get you triple get yourself you run away from the problems rather than facing them head-on and really getting to the root of the problem...


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