
Here we go today guys here's what I want to do and I would encourage you for some people this is gonna be very new and I think for a lot of you if you think through this deeply and set aside what you're doing and engage with this fully. This could be a very transformational experience for you. I believe that so let me prime it let me frame it a little bit and put it in perspective. One of my favorite books that I've ever read is called the 4-hour workweek. For hour work is written by a guy named Tim Ferriss and if you haven't read it, it's kind of you know it's it was written in 2009 so not the most new book ever but it's written by Tim Ferriss and and he hits on the concept of lifestyle design. And then there was one page in this book that stood out to me more than anything else and it's the concept of setting extraordinary unrealistic goals the concept of setting unrealistic outrageously outlandish goals is actually more realistic. And it's more doable than setting mediocre realistic goals like kind of your average goals. Okay and I'm gonna get into a couple things today so number one why that is and I want to have a little discussion back and forth with you guys on this. And then I want to get really clear about what it is that you want from life and from all of this. Because I talked to a guy and I'll get into this conversation here in in a few minutes but I talked to a guy this week who his goal was he told me I want to make ten million dollars online. And I was like oh sure that's an unrealistic really high goal but do I think that's actually gonna happen for him? I don't know but honestly it I'm sure it's possible that's a big goal but there's a piece missing to that kind of a goal and I want to talk to you guys about that and I want to get your input and feedback on that as well. So here's one I want to set the stage okay I want to set the stage for you guys. Most people and this was me okay so my journey I came into this industry in about 2010 2011 learning how to be an affiliate marketer learning how to do affiliate marketing okay. So I'm setting the stage for you just popped in and I mentioned the 4-hour work week by Tim Ferriss. Basically the concept and this idea of setting unrealistic goals is it's lonely at the top. That 99% of people in the world are convinced they're incapable fundamentally incapable of achieving extraordinary things. So what do we do we aim for mediocre right in the message that I wrote for today what did I say. I said something the effective it's almost like being part of the middle class has become this spiritual enlightenment right. It's the thing you do it's the thing you should do right. Do you guys agree with that type to me in the comments a one just hit the one if you agree with that if you're like it's sort of like this highly looked upon thing but no one really loves that they're in the middle class it's kind of a weird paradox right. I don't know why that is I don't know how that started but type to me in the type of "1" in the comment box if you're like okay yeah I definitely agree with that okay. All right so Lisa and yeah it's I don't know it's just this very weird thing but here's here's the paradox that I'm trying to pull out here. Is that the level of competition is fiercest it is the hottest it is the most intense for realistic middle class type goals okay. So 99% of people out there shooting for average they're shooting for mediocre that is what they're fundamentally going for right. So if I wanted to shoot a new business... here's how this would work in practice. If I wanted it let's say start a new business and I was going out and in talking to banks and talking to investors I was pitching friends and family on investment or whatever here's the thing. I would want to shoot really really big because in in the world if you go out and try to raise capital in the world it is easier it is easier to raise a million dollars than it is to raise a hundred thousand dollars...


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