
So today we are going to be talking about a vulnerability a little bit. And vulnerability in business and vulnerability kind of in life essentially. I don't know if you guys have seen it or heard of Bernie Brown go ahead and send me a thumbs up or a heart or something if you if you've seen or heard of Bernie Brown. She studies vulnerability and courage and shame all those good things. So tell me if you've if you've heard those if you've heard of her before. And for all my dunkin fans I wouldn't got dunkin today. Good morning everybody Lorena good morning all right so go ahead and let me know I'm just kind of waiting for those comments to come in I can't really see anything but I know you're there so I'm gonna pull up my phone just in case it's not working for whatever reason. Alright good morning from Texas Pam what part of Texas are you from I used to live in Texas we're in Texas. All that barbecue down there alright so today let's go ahead and talk about Brene Brown so Brene Brown is a researcher and she has a Netflix special which just came out for all the the new people she's one of my number one books that I recommend is rising strong by her. Number one times best New York bestseller and New York Times bestseller and so rising strong is how the ability to reset transforms the way we live life parent and lead okay. So that's her that's one of her books I have a couple of her other books as well. The reason I want to talk about her today is because I want to kind of help you guys define vulnerability a little bit in business and in excuse me. Scott, Austin Texas I've been used to live there thanks to live in Round Rock Texas too much barbecue guys too much barbecue. Anyway all right so like I said Brene Brown is a researcher and she studies vulnerability shame and courage and in her research the definition of vulnerability is not you know everybody kind of sees vulnerability as being emotionally open you know crying and all that kind of stuff has to be emotional but really the definition of vulnerability is uncertainty risk and emotional exposure. So it is kind of a little bit being emotional exposure but it's really not knowing the outcome. You know it's really not knowing exactly what's gonna happen you know so you put yourself at risk say I put myself at risk here right I don't know if there's gonna be a you guys are gonna be all negative or not I mean I don't know I mean it's just kind of one of those things. Not to say that I'm vulnerable all the time when it comes to this cuz it's just kind of a second nature kind of thing. But really in business when you are vulnerable what you're doing is you're leading into those hard conversations you're leaning into having the courage to be seen and say you know what I don't really agree with that comment I don't really agree with the way that I'm being treated I don't agree with my salary so I'd like a raise. A lot of people tend to tap out and say you know what I don't I'll just I don't want to rock the boat you know I don't want to you know frustrate my boss I don't want to cause any ripples you know what I mean like nobody wants to cause any waves so there's like let's just be on a nice even tone right. But a lot of times once you take a risk and once you kind of step outside your comfort zone that is also vulnerability. Having the courage to step outside your comfort zone. So for a lot of you guys this is vulnerable to you right learning something new. You know you can't control the outcome of what you're doing. You know you can't control how many leads you get how many sales you get. You can't control all of those things and but yet you are showing up right. So society defines vulnerability as weakness but in all reality vulnerability takes a huge amount of strength and courage to show up and like I said get into the arena. and there's a quote or I had didn't I should have booked market but I didn't didn't put market so I'm not gonna kind of go through there but basically it's really once you step into the arena you're in the fight right so think of ancient Rome you know people would they the gladiators would go into the fight and there'd be all the town folk or I don't know what they called them.


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