
Today guys we're gonna go over I'm a little bit nervous today. I'm gonna go into a few pretty vulnerable topics and so I just need to you know make sure that though I look marvelous today thank you thank you. So let me tell you guys a little quick story. So I don't normally wear makeup I will occasionally if you know we're going out date night whatever but you know I work from home so I have the ability to not right? So but I've been kind of starting to kind of glam up a bit just little you know just touch up some little eyes you know you know girls how it goes. But I also got really sunburned on Monday was my birthday and so we went to the Red Sox game. And at Fenway and it was overcast and I should always you know know not to not to wear that but I forgot sun block because I was like it's raining no big deal but actually you know got me a little sunburned. So I know little red so I was like well just cover up just a little bit. Just so you can't see my sunglass tan I'm sure you guys can see right now. Ridiculous, anyways alright got off topic I've got a little too much tea this morning I'm gonna go ahead and calm down a bit but I see you guys are kind of jumping on fantastic. Again make sure to go ahead and hit that like button to let me know that you can hear me and you're ready to go. I hope you guys brought some questions because last week nobody brought any questions. It's free coaching Friday let's get some questions out there. But before we go over that I want to go over a few things that have been kind of on my mind in my personal journey in the last couple of days and a few things that have been really really kind of beneficial for me in my journey. And so I don't know if you guys have heard of have you guys heard of Simon Sinek S I N E K he has the book out what's your start with why find your why leaders eat last um you know there's a few really fantastic topics that he has. That are really really um eye opening and something that really kind of caught me off guard and took me a step back a little bit and had me kind of figure out you know sorry I'm just re positioning my camera trying to figure out you know exactly where I was at and what I was doing. Was a thing called the Golden Circle. And the Golden Circle is something that he came up with. After research and research on exactly how to you know why certain companies are so so beneficial and so successful and other companies that have a really great product aren't that beneficial. Aren't that successful don't last long term. So he does two things so the Golden Circle is his big thing is finding your why and I'm gonna go into that in a little bit because this has been probably the key moment in my career that has changed something. Simon S I N E K simon Sinek. Okay so what it is is he has he says that businesses either do one of two things. They have a choice to do one or two things. So they either do this circle okay so there's a golden circle and in the middle is why, how, and what. Most companies will work their way from the inside out. This is our so heed this the example that he used his TiVo so he said TiVo came out and everybody was using TiVo as a verb right. I'm gonna TiVo this but when they're in reality they're just gonna record it on their old time-warner a piece of crap DVR so they're going to record it they're not going to TiVo it. But TiVo said we have this great product we know exactly what you want you can pause live TV you can record your favorite shows and really go after it. Everybody's like yeah that's cool but I mean I don't need it it's not something that I actually need you have a really good product but I don't actually need it. Right, then he realized is that companies that work from the inside out are more successful. Because they start with why. Now Apple take Apple because it's the most recognized brand out there it's the easiest to compare it's the easiest for people to understand. Apple goes and says we make a product that's going to change your life. We make a product that is going to really revolutionize the way that you live your life.


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