
Alright so this morning I'm going to talk for about just a little bit I'm gonna kind of break this up into two parts. Just because this book is such a big is such a big thing I'm gonna kind of break it up into two so that we can all kind of you know think about it and maybe have time to review it by the time that we get back next week. So the Warpaint this morning I know my glam Scott my glam squad got me all hooked up this morning. You like? it like it? Oh bringing new things to Friday everybody although I do have my Starbucks John. Alright, so now that I'm all blushing thank you John. You know a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do we gotta get a little you know glammed up every now and then, Alright so today we're you talking about the 4-hour workweek so just to kind of summarize drop in the comments if you guys have read the book read a summary about the book tell me a little bit about. I mean everybody you know we're all here pretty much to kind of get the passive income to kind of you know escape the nine-to-five so hopefully you guys have read this. So go ahead and just drop a comment and let me know that you've read it or not you know just kind of depends you know we can always some.... Oh John. Okay, so basically the kind of summary of the book you know obviously is to have a 4-hour workweek. And this is really more of like a travel kind of travel from anywhere or travel the world work from anywhere type of gig right. So escape the nine-to-five you know instead of having the regular clan right of 20 years of Education 40 years of work and then retired for the last 20 years of your life so you know it's definitely a book that has really resonated with me on multiple levels. So, oh good I'm glad you guys are all watching it glad you guys are all watching it or listening to it or reading it or something. Alright so you know again it's you know work 20 years or you know education for 20 work 40 and then retire for the last 20 and enjoy the golden years or enjoy your your years of retirement. Well you know and I've always kind of challenged this in my myself the name of the book is the 4-hour workweek. It's at the top of the of the page where it says 4-hour workweek and then there's a little smiley face. So you know I've always kind of challenged this in my in my life before I found legendary marketer before I found you know working online a passive income. And I challenged it because why do I have to go to school right out of college. I can name seven or eight people right now who don't currently use their degree that they went to college for and they paid $60,000 for. That life has kind of taken them in a different path and they don't use it some people absolutely you guys use it. Doctors, lawyers all of that I get it but in some way you know you may not use it right and in some ways you want a little bit more out of life. And so that's really what this book is about is it's about you know the main topic is the three currencies of life and the the new rich right. So the three currency of life instead of just money is time energy and money okay. So obviously when you're young you have enough energy you have enough time but you don't have enough money. When you're kind of middle age whatever and you have enough money and you have enough energy but you don't have enough time. And then when you get older you have enough time and money but you don't have enough energy. So you know it kind of just flips the script a little bit on how to really have all of those things in one right. So in my life you know I think it really kind of... I go into that just a minute let me just finish the basic summary okay so it's also the new rich right. Putting value on the freedom multiplier on the five w's or the four w's. What, where, when and who you do things with. So the amount of w's that you have you're in control and your that's how free you are essentially right. So the amount of w's that you control depends on how free you are and that's your freedom multiplier.


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