
So what I'm going to talk about today is something that I kind of try to research as much as I can which is other successful entrepreneurs. I always really want to know you know what everybody has done to get to where they are you know and so I found an interesting story about Richard Branson who is the CEO and founder and I mean just billionaire. Who created the Virgin Airlines, Virgin Records he's done you know so many different things within as an entrepreneur field. And so what I wanted to really let everybody know is that there is always going to be some failures. And a lot of people a lot of people kind of take that as a personal thing you know. They take it as a personal defeat you know they they can't get past their failure they can't get past their holdups or fear or whatever it is. For some reason they just can't get past it which is very weird for me to understand. And so you know I guess in my life I've always tried to really take a failure of some sort or if it didn't work I would always kind of tweak it a little bit and try to figure out what does work. And that was kind of a skill that I learned being an EMT back in 2009 to 2014. So you know if something's not working for the patient you always want to make sure you can find another alternative before you get to the hospital right. So that was kind of you know it's kind of quick on your feet kind of thinking type of thing but it kind of really goes into the same thing as far as I'm sorry entrepreneurship. Thank you let me just take a real quick sip of this always marry someone that will help you with Starbucks right when you're going live on Facebook for the first time on a Friday just marry someone that will bring you Starbucks that what's the science say. Anyway so all right so when um when you start your on your journey as an entrepreneur you're going to fail that's the bottom line pure and simple you are going to fail in some way shape or form but what I always say is it's the... Oh John doesn't like Starbucks now come on Duncan when you Duncan man I'm a Duncan girl too but you know sometimes Starbucks just really just gets you with the punch. So you know you're gonna fail you're gonna fail at you know maybe your first campaign doesn't work, maybe your first facebook AD doesn't work maybe I mean there's a million reasons that can go that can fail maybe you don't have the education maybe you don't have the foundation. And so the you know I want to go over a couple of things. So Richard Branson again millionaire has his own Island I mean he's just like huge right everybody knows who Richard Branson is. So in 1967 Richard Branson at age of 16 started his own magazine it was called student magazine and it became the voice of his generation or he wanted it to become the voice of his generation and saw you know some big big things but he didn't have any money so he needed to kind of figure out what was going on. And so he decided to be flexible instead of moving it into a magazine he said well he kind of pivoted and into what would be a much more successful territory which was music. So he launched mail-order discount record business and that was that began to a way to pay for the magazine to grew into his billion-dollar recording empire which is called the version records. So if you would have stuck to his plan and failed at being a magazine publisher then there would be no virgin records. So you know you kind of always have to take things and tweak it right you know and it's one of those things where he could have said okay well that sucks I don't have any money I don't have any people buying my magazines I'm just gonna quit and go get a real job. No that's not what he did cuz he had it in his mind he's like I'm gonna be a millionaire wouldn't be a billionaire I'm sure you didn't even think of billionaire at the time. and then the next thing that happened so this is seven things that he failed on and this is crazy. So Virgin Atlantic airlines once you start an airline in 1984 he served an airline you have you have to have a plane in order for it to pass all of the FAA all of the you know every all of the tests that they have to do I mean I'm sure that's like super extensive right I don't know that much about starting an airline I'm not there yet.


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