
I have a cool little hack for you when it comes to creating content. As an internet marketer, one thing that constantly stumped me is how do I create valuable content when I'm just getting started. And I still have that, even to this day I still have this kind of internal struggle I guess with how do I create really good content and how do I get my content out to the world and what value do I bring to this world.

I think it even goes beyond just beginners.  If that's you, if you felt that struggle maybe you're feeling it now I think this will definitely help you.

Do I bring any value to the world at all because I think at least when I talk to people and and when people are getting started. Okay so the big thing right now, and let me can I give you a little bit of background. I don't know what's gonna happen when I do this. So everybody hold your breath let me see if I could pull this off here because I'm not really sure what's gonna happen here on Facebook I really don't know. So let just do this and let's and I have a little delay so I want to see if this this works on our Facebook live when I share my screen like this because I like to do a little whiteboard. Oh there we go all right it worked okay so here's the thing I do a lot of whiteboard kind of tight type stuff I think a picture's worth if what do they say picture's worth a thousand words that what they say hundred words I don't know what they say. Anyway so let me set this up for you let me frame this a little bit for you. So I think a lot of times what I see with people who are trying to get started online okay so let's say day one brand new kind of newbie getting started online how do I start and? Here's what typically happens here's the process they digest just an almost ungodly amount of content and training okay. And usually in the form of video ok so it's just an absurd amount of content and video that they're watching and then what happens is they get a little bit imbalanced so there's a lack of and I want you to write this word down implementation. So, and that can happen for a lot of reasons we'll get into the we'll get into the reasons why this lack of implementation happens but they pour in a bunch of content they watch all the trainings. Ok and I just talked to a guy the other night I watched all the trainings I've seen them all I watched all the video training and I said well what have you done anything you'd have you implemented anything not in a way of like I'm trying to talk down to you or anything right it's ok but have you implemented anything. And it was kind of like well you know I kind of set this up and I kind of set that up. So here's my big thing right why aren't you creating content. I don't want to guilt-trip you into hey you have to create content, why aren't you creating content I'd like to just ask the question what's the deeper thing going on right what are the underlying issues. Right so here's our surface layer issue which is lack of implementation and I'm almost using the word implementation and content creation like kind of side by side like same same deal. Then once you kind of strip the layers back of the onion okay what are the underlying issues causing that....


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